b2box 5.17.1

Release date: Monday 9th July 2018

Fix the import of workflow items

[JIRA ticket 1360]

The import of workflow items has been fixed on the old UI.

Removal of the Routing orders web app

The Routing Orders web application has been removed from the old UI. It is now only available on the Portal.


[JIRA ticket 1367]

Add server-side support for numeric (integer and float) column type in the document XML configuration.

Routes service

Several changes have been made to the Routes service:

  • Fix the disconnection between the server state and the user interface.
  • It’s now possible to delete/stop several active routes.
  • Display the missing templates.
  • The field type is now an editable text field. You can enter another type than the pre-selectable types.
  • Remove the label Started in the column Enabled.