
This section explains how to manage the user’s permissions.

A permission is a string of characters structured as follows: feature=action. It allows the user to perform an action on a feature.

It is assigned to a user on a specific instance. Thus if a user, assigned to the instances A and B, has the permission a, for instance, A, he won’t have it for instance B.

Create a new permission set

Click on the menu entry Administration and then on the tab’s title Permission sets.

Permission sets

Click on the button Create permission set.

Create a new permission set

A permission set is used to gather the permissions required for a feature and prevents to assign tens of permissions to a user.

A permission set consists of:

  • the Name is the permission set’s title (required). It will be the name displayed on the Portal. A permission’s name should be unique on an instance.
  • the Description gives more details on the permission set.
  • the switch Enabled enables or disables the permission set (default: true). If it is disabled, the permission set exists but can’t be assigned to a user and will be removed from the user’s permissions.
  • the Permissions is the list of permissions (required). In the example above, the permission set Execute scripts values are: scripts=view, scripts=read and scripts=run.


The button Enabled is currently not working! A fix is in progress.

Manage a permission set

You can view the details of your permission set in the tab Permission sets.

Permission set


You can perform multi-action on the sets of permissions by right-clicking on the cards.


If the permission is assigned to a user, you can not delete it. You need first to un-assign it from all the users who have it.


You can edit all the details of the permission set. If you rename it, you don’t need to re-assign it to the users who already have the original one.


You can create a new permission set with pre-filled data from the original one.


If you click right on a permission set’s card, you can export it as a JSON file. Permission sets can be imported with the blue button next to the button Create permission set.

It is useful if you want to retrieve the permission sets of another instance.