Getting started

Manage users and permissions

Each Platform 6 user is granted one or more Permission sets.

The first user of a newly installed Platform 6 instance is considered as the Administrator of the instance and is by default granted a ‘Super User’ Permission set - i.e. having full rights on this instance. A Permission set is a list of permissions. Each permission is a string of characters structured as follows: feature=action. It defines what action the user is allowed to perform on a specific feature.

Via the Administration menu entry, the Adminstrator can create additional Permission sets on the instance; and then add new users to the instance.

Each user is identified by an email address and has access to specific menu entries and features based on the granted Permission sets. A user can be assigned to multiple Platform 6 instances with the same credentials.

Read the Permissions guide section to see how to manage Permission sets.

The Users guide explains how to manage users, assign them to one or more nodes in the Organization structure and grant them Permission Sets.

Built-in Services

  • Counters: manage queries that can be run on Transactions and Routing Orders
  • Data Models: validate the structure of XML files
  • Frames: create and visualize inline frames to be included in dashboards on the Home page
  • Reports: present graphical Reports that can be inclued in dashboards
  • Routes: manage the lifecyle of Routing Rules
  • Routing Orders: manage Routing Orders
  • Scripts: develop and execute Scripts
  • Stripe Payments: charge customers online
  • Tables: create, edit and visualize Tables
  • Workflow Steps: create and edit Workflow Steps

Platform 6 DSL

The Platform 6 DSL guide provides details about the mini-language developed for the operation and the control of the Platform 6 instances.

Common Message Bus API

The Common Message Bus API explains how to send a specific message to a deployed built-in Service.

Platform 6 additional tools