b2box 5.15.0

Release date: Wednesday, 28th March, 2018

New documentation

In this release, we introduced a new documentation for the Platform 6 product. The content is the same but it has been restructured and we’ve updated the design (white background colour).

The documentation is public for everyone except for the Internal section.

New sections have been written:

Moreover, we have developed a new library for the Portal components. They are now separated from the core of the Portal and are fully described here.

Change the icons on the Portal

We have migrated the Font Awesome icons to the version 5. The icons are the same, but their design has changed.


Since the icons’ names have been renamed, all the b2box under version 5.15.0 will have missing icons for the services (Reports, Scripts, Data models, Tables, …).

Show a service UI’s version

You can now see the version of the UI of each service when you pass the mouse on the service’s name.

Service UI's version


Please add the UI’s version in the description of your JIRA ticket when you see a bug on a user interface. It will help the R&D team to identify the problem faster.

Cache a service UI

To increase the speed of the display of a service’s UI, we’ve implemented caching.

If the user interface’s script has not been updated since last time you’ve loaded the page, the server will return an HTTP 304 Not modified and the browser will display the cached script.

Manage errors during multiple items process

We’ve created a new component to display the errors generated during the process of several items (import or delete).

Multiple errors processing

Thus, if you import several items, the invalidate one won’t be added to your configuration and an error will be displayed. All the other items will be correctly imported.

Trim a service item’s name

The name of a service’s item will be trimmed before it is being saved server side. Any space at the start or at the end of the name will be removed.

Scripts service

Some issues have been fixed in the UI.



  • Don’t save changes after closing the edit details form (without saving).
  • Fix the selecting items in the data grid when they are filtered and when there are not.
  • Clear the logs shell just before rendering the new logs.
  • Fix the launch of the script execution.
  • Fix an issue with the context data.


  • Redirect to the code editor after saving the script’s details.

Tables service

Improvement on the UI



  • Some data are now persistent regardless of the user navigation.
  • Delete multiple table’s records.
  • Add the focus on the field Name when a user opens a creation form.

Update the permissions

A user does not need anymore to have the permission tables=read to get the tables. This permission was added in the version 5.14.0 of the b2box.


You’ll find the list of the required permissions for service Tables in the Permissions sets.

Also, you can now combine several filters in the permission allow. Here is the new syntax:


With the permission above, the user will be able to see the records of the table Test_IRM_Like if the column FinalRecipient has the value Accenture-ACCVA or the value 3M.

Fix issues server side

The escaping issue for the Groovy DSL method table.lookup has been fixed.

Bundled resources service


Some data are now persistent regardless of the user navigation. For example, if you open a tab then click on the menu entry of another service, when you’ll come back on the Bundled resources service, your tab will still be opened.

Stripe service

An error with saving a customer’s source of payment was fixed.