

List and perform request/response exchanges with deployed Platform 6 services.


Binding name: service

Common Message Maps

The Common Message is the single unit of exchange between Platform 6 service. The common message is represent by a Groovy Map when using the service DSL:

def cm = [
    headers: [
        hello: 'world',
        'platform6.request.user': 'admin'
    attachments: [
            headers: [
                name: 'body',
                type: 'text/plain'
            bytes: 'This is the content of the attachment'.getBytes()
The map contains a headers Map and an attachments List. The attachments List can contain a headers Map and a bytes content.

Both headers and attachments are optional.

Method: void post(String destination, Map cmMap)

Sends the provided common message to the named service destination endpoint. This method is fire and forget. I.e. It does not wait for a response.

Method: Map request(String destination, Map cmMap)

Sends the provided common message to the named service destination endpoint and waits indefinitely for a response which is returned as a Map.

Method: Map request(String destination, Map cmMap, long timeOut, TimeUnit tu)

Sends the provided common message to the named service destination endpoint and waiting for up to timeOut time units for a response. Any response is returned as a Map.

Method: void request(String destination, Map cmMap, Closure cb)

Sends the provided common message to the named service destination endpoint and waits indefinitely for a response which is returned as a Map via the supplied asynchronous callback. The Callback will receive one of two parameters in the following order (CommonMessageMap, Exception).

Method: List list()

Returns a List of all deployed Platform 6 services attached to the common message bus represented as destination names.


def lst = service.list()
println lst'platform6.echo', cm)
def cmResponse = service.request('platform6.echo', cm)
println cmResponse
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

def cmResponse = service.request('platform6.scripts', cm, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
println cmResponse
service.request('platform6.scripts', cm, {
    cmr, e -> 
        println cmr
        if( null != e) throw e

sleep 2000