Bundled Resource
Bundled Resources service actions. A bundled resource is either a JAR file or data file (CSV, Excel) that is used by Groovy scripts. They are uploaded in the Portal, and can be packaged in an application.
Resource deployment will create a target file using the bundled resource’s definition and copy the content into the file. Un-deployment will ensure the file is removed.
A resource’s id consists of the application key and the bundled resource’s name separated with a dot .
Binding name: bundled
Method: boolean isDeployed(String resourceId)
True if the bundled resource has been deployed.
Method: boolean deploy(String resourceId)
Deploy the bundled resource identified it’s id.
Method: boolean undeploy(String resourceId)
Undeploy the bundled resource identified by it’s id.
Method: Map<String, String> resourceProperties(String resourceId)
Get the properties associated with a resource identified by it’s id.
Method: String[] listResources()
Get a list of all defined bundled resource ids.
println "Resources:\n" + bundled.listResources() println bundled.resourceProperties(".MyTestResource") println "MyTestResource deployed? " + bundled.isDeployed(".MyTestResource") println "Deploying..." bundled.deploy(".MyTestResource") assert true == bundled.isDeployed(".MyTestResource") : "Deployment failed!" println "Undeploying..." bundled.undeploy(".MyTestResource") assert true != bundled.isDeployed(".MyTestResource") : "Undeployment failed!"