P6Core 5.13.9

Release date: Thursday, 28th December, 2017

Fix services migration

If there was an error during a service data migration, the configuration was broken and it was impossible to create or import an item.

UI improvements


With this new version of the b2box, there is also a new version of the Portal (version >= 1.10): it comes with an extended table component which now offers the same features as the Messages list aka Transactions list.

You can now configure your own displayed columns along with their width and order and data alignment. This configuration will be saved in your user profile and available from any computer you will login on.

Scripts service


  • Add the focus on the text input name in the resource creation form.
  • Add a visible validation error if the user enters a script’s name already taken.
  • Add a validation error if the description in English is empty.
  • Allow the user to update a script’s content mode.
  • Keep the unsaved modifications made on the scripts even if the service is refreshed.


  • Display the tooltips of the buttons in the data grid’s lines.
  • Exit automatically the full-screen mode when the last tab is closed.
  • Fix the edition of a script after running it.
  • Allow the user to choose the same name than a script which has a different application key.
  • Fix the button Stop for a script execution.


  • Use the same design for the scripts’ search and the resources’ search.
  • Use the same width for the inputs name and description.

Reports service


  • Prevent the user from editing the report if its data is being recalculated.


  • Prevent the user to select a script with a different application key than the report.
  • Do not disable the button Reset if there are errors in the form.
  • Fix the tab’s title if it is a creation form.


  • Remove the buttons Display and Reinitialize in the creation form.
  • Display the scripts select input in the edit form even if there are no scripts to select.