P6Core 5.13.1

Release date: Monday, 13th November, 2017

Service’s permissions update

You don’t need anymore to have the permission SERVICE_ID=read to edit an item. Only SERVICE_ID=edit is needed.

Service’s API update

In the case where an action (delete, import or export) is executed on a list of items, if the action failed on an item, the process still continue.

UI improvements

Scripts service


  • Add a link to the code editor shortcuts.
  • Add a mode full-screen.


  • Replace the term parameter with pipeline variable.
  • Do not display the notification after saving a resource.
  • Change the buttons’ layout in the code editor.

Reports service


  • Add a link to the code editor shortcuts.
  • If a report has been updated and changes are not saved, the tab’s title will be stylized.
  • Prevent the user from doing any act on a report, if it has been changed but not saved.


  • Fix the compatibility with IE10, IE11 and last version of Firefox.

Stripe service


  • Display the customer’s creation date in the user’s language format.

Documentation update
