Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns with powerful Bean Integration.
Binding name: camel
Method | Usage |
CamelContext getCtx() |
Gets the Camel context currently started within Platform 6. |
Endpoint getEndpoint(String endpoint) |
Direct access to an endpoint within the context given it’s name. |
Map endpointCallWaitInput(String endpoint) |
Synchronous call to given endpoint. Exchange In message returned as Map |
Map endpointExchangeWaitInput(String endpoint, Map exchangeMap) |
Synchronous exchange with given endpoint. Exchange In message given as Map, Exchange In message returned as Map |
Map endpointExchangeWaitOutput(String endpoint, Map exchangeMap) |
Synchronous exchange with given endpoint. Exchange In message given as Map, Exchange Out message returned as Map |
Map endpointExchangeWaitBoth(String endpoint, Map exchangeMap) |
Synchronous exchange with given endpoint. Exchange In message given as Map, Exchange In and Out message returned as Map |
void registerBean(String beanId, Class beanClass) |
Registers a named bean in the Spring application context. |
void unregisterBean(String beanId) |
Removes a named bean from the Spring application context. |
void destroyRoute(String routeId) |
Removes the route from the current camel context. |
void destroyAllRoutes() |
Removes all route from the current camel context. |
An Exchange represents an abstraction for an exchange of messages which involves a request message and its corresponding response or an exception message. This can be expressed as a map for use with this DSL:
// Example exchange map
def exchange = [
body: "<xml>hello</xml>",
headers: [hello : "world" ],
attachments: [ myfile: "file:///Users/simont/Documents/temp/b2box-5.2.6-SNAPSHOT/"],
properties: [ one : "one", two : "two" ]
When Platform 6 starts, a camel context is started via Spring using the file: $B2BOX_HOME/conf/b2boxcontext.xml
It is possible to extend the context bean definition using this file; adding routes for example.
Because Spring starts the camel context, the bean registry used by this context will be Springs.
Therefore adding additional beans via the Spring context is also a possibility.
To do this the b2boxcontext.xml
file should be moved from $B2BOX_HOME/conf
to $B2BOX_DATA/conf
Alternatively, creating routes and registering beans can be performed in the scripts and routes services using this DSL.
JAR dependencies
The following Camel JAR files ship with Platform 6:
- camel-core
- camel-jms
- camel-spring
- camel-file2
- camel-quartz2
Camel/Spring Versions
The version of Camel shipped with Platform 6 is 2.18.1 which is compatible with the version of Spring used by the product: 4.3.4.RELEASE. Please do not attempt to update or use services and/or components that are not version compatible.
Camel has many other components and services that are distributed in other JAR files.
If a developer wishes to use other components and services the JARs (and dependencies) should be downloaded and placed in $B2BOX_DATA/lib
Using @Grab
We have encountered issues when using @Grab to download JAR dependencies at runtime. These issues can arise when multiple users run multiple scripts concurrently. Use of @Grab on production system is therefore not recommended however its use during development and prototyping is possible.
JMS integration
Platform 6 has an embedded JMS provider called HornetQ.
Camel will therefore use this provider by default.
In order to create named queues for use with Camel the file $B2BOX_HOME/conf/hornetq-jms.xml
should be moved to $B2BOX_DATA/conf/hornetq-jms.xml
and edited to add the required queues:
<configuration xmlns="urn:hornetq" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hornetq /schema/hornetq-jms.xsd">
<connection-factory name="ConnectionFactory">
<connector-ref connector-name="in-vm"/>
<entry name="ConnectionFactory"/>
<queue name="myQueue">
<entry name="/queue/cameltest"/>
Please see for more information.
JMX activation
JMX is activated within Platform 6 Camel by default allowing you to monitor and control the Camel managed objects with a JMX client.
Please see: for more information
Camel weather
This is an example of using one of the many components available to Camel.
For a full list see:
The following JARs were downloaded and copied to $B2BOX_DATA/lib
- camel-weather-2.18.1.jar
- jackson-core-asl-1.9.12.jar
- jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.12.jar
I then created a free account with: to obtain an appid.
println "WEATHER INFO> " + camel.endpointCallWaitInput("weather:foo?appid=3cacd3cba74f4288ec0d8c1396513824")