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P6 Core 6.0.0-alpha-2

Release date: Thursday, 28th of February, 2019



Staring this release, counters are no longer accessible through the JMX console, therefore a new counter DSL is introduced.

Fixed Bugs

The ‘&’ character was not supported included in a field value in many services. If a value containing ‘&’ was entered, it could be saved but not read. This issue is fixed and ‘&’ can safely be used.

Technical Changes

Automate Database Migration

Platform 6 is currently undergoing heavy refactoring, therefore in order to ease database migration, Flyway was integrated in P6 Core. Flyway automates SQL upgrade scripts by tracking the database state in a dedicated table.

Counters MBeans Removed

Counters are no longer accessible through JMX.

Cluster Removed from DSL

In order to simplify the use of the transaction DSL, the notion of cluster was removed. The value of cluster parameters passed to lower level layers is now hardcoded to B2BOX.

Items DSL Removed

Items DSL was replaced by messages, then by transaction. It is dead code, therefore it was removed.