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Delete an Item




Delete a specific item.


The user needs to have the permissions:

SERVICE_ID=read && SERVICE_ID=delete

To delete an item, the user needs to have the associated Application Publisher Profile, if not the item’s content mode should be set to EDIT.


This request needs two query parameters:

Field’s name Type Mandatory Description
appKey string yes The application key of the item
name string yes The name of the item

Both fields are mandatory and can not be null.


HTTP code Reason
204 No Content
403 Unauthorized
404 Not found
500 Unexpected exception

When the query is successful, the HTTP response is a 204 No Content and it will return nothing.

If the user does not have the right permissions, the HTTP Response will be a 403 Unauthorized:

    "status": 403,
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Unexpected error deleting the item in the configuration! You need to have the permission 'edit'.",
    "link": null,
    "developerMessage": "Unauthorized: permission 'edit' is missing.",
    "conflictInformation": null

If the item is not found, it will return a 404 Not found:

    "status": 404,
    "code": 404,
    "message": "Unexpected error deleting the item in the configuration! Item 'ondiflo.Invoice analysis - Count Split by Customer (pie chart, rolling 12 month)' is not found.",
    "link": null,
    "developerMessage": "Not found: the item 'ondiflo.Invoice analysis - Count Split by Customer (pie chart, rolling 12 month)' is not found.",
    "conflictInformation": null