Application Configuration


A utility to manage application configuration.

An application configuration is a combination of: - an appKey - a name - a value - and a type

The following types are supported : - String (default) - Double - Long - Integer - Float - Boolean - Byte - UUID - Date - ZonedDateTime - Character

If the type of the value does not match one of the previous types, the fallback conversion used will be the String.


Binding name: p6.appconfig

Method: boolean exists(String appKey, String name)

Checks if a configuration entry exists


Specify an empty appKey to return the unpackaged entries.

Method: boolean exists(String name)

Same method but using the appKey attached to the current script or route making the call.

Method: Object get(String appKey, String name)

Returns the configuration value

A P6Exception exception will be thrown if there is no configuration entry found

If you want to access to a non bundled configuration value you can use an empty appKey


The value returned is cast according to the type of the configuration entry.

Method: Object get(String name)

Same method but using the appKey attached to the current script or route making the call.

Method: Map<String,Object> list(String appKey)

Returns a list of all the available configuration entries where the key is the name of the key and the value, the value or the override value.

To access non bundle configuration values you can use an empty appKey

Method: Map<String,Object> list()

Same method but using the appKey attached to the current script or route making the call.

Method: void override(String appKey, String name, Object value)

Override the configuration entry with the new value. The value will be encoded based on the type.


The appKey cannot be empty and must refer to an installed application.

Method: void override(String name, Object value)

Same method but using the appKey attached to the current script or route making the call.


Example 1

Read configuration

# Read configuration from the bundled context
def description = p6.appconfig.get("description")

# Read configuration from the application p6_demo
boolean initialized = p6.appconfig.get("p6_demo", "initialized")

# Read configuration from an unon bundled ressource
dev value = p6.appconfig.get("", "key")

Example 2

Override configuration

if(p6.appconfig.exists("p6_demo", "installed")) {
    println p6.appconfig.override("p6_demo", "installed", true)

Example 3

List configuration

println "------ Unpackaged ------"
for(entry in p6.appconfig.list("")) {
    println "$entry.key = $entry.value"
println "------ Unpackaged ------"
for(entry in p6.appconfig.list("p6_demo")) {
    println "$entry.key = $entry.value"