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This section explains how to manage the users of a P6 instance.

A user is identified by an email address and can be associated to different instances with the same credentials.

Permission set(s) are assigned at each instance level.

Create a new user on an instance

Enter the new user’s email address in the field next to the Search button.


Click on the “Associate new user” button.

Create a new user

Each user shall have at least one Permission set. See the Permissions section to browse the exhaustive list of permissions.

Each user also needs to be assigned to at least one node of the Organization. If no Organization has been defined (no child added to the root node of the instance), then created users are assigned to this single root node by default.

A user that has never been assigned to any Platform 6 instance will receive an activation email leading to a password setup page. In case of a user already associated with one or more other P6 instances, an email is sent notifying the user about the association with the new instance.

Edit a user profile

User personal information

Users can modify their profile by clicking on their avatar in the top right of the P6 Portal.

Edit profile

On this page, users can edit their personal information, select the language of the Portal and update their password. However, they can’t modify their email address as it is also their P6 user account.

User permissions

A user with appropriate permissions can change other users Permission sets via the Users & Permissions menu.


User admins can also disassociate users from the instance or delete their user account.

Delegate the Administration of Users and Permission sets

In case you want to have Users & Permission Admins having the full or partial ability manage P6 users and Permission sets - without giving them Instance Admin unlimited rights - here is how to proceed: - Create a Permission set with the admin=view permission (so the menu entry is displayed) - Then, add users and/or permsets permissions in accordance with the rights you want to delegate

To be able to read users information, the users=read('./*') permission is required.

To edit the users permissions (without deleting accounts), the users=edit permission is required.

To be able to edit and delete user accounts, the users=* permission is required (in addition to the read-only permission).

To be able to read the details of permission sets, the permsets=read('*') permission is required.

To edit permission sets, the permsets=edit permission is required (or the permsets=* permission).