Web3 Besu
A helper layer over the Hyperledger Besu Blockchain API: web3j-besu
Binding name: p6.web3besu
This is a static value that can be used in various web3j calls that require a ContractGasProvider.
This value provider specifies zero gas price with a maximum gas of three million.
Method: Besu build(final String url)
Build an instance of a Besu object (extension of Web3j) using the supplied node URL to build an HttpService
You can use the core Web3j Besu instance build methods using UnixIpcService
or WindowsIpcService
for a more efficient ‘same host’ connection.
Method: Base64String findPrivacyGroup(final Besu node, final Base64String targetGroup, final Base64String... memberKeys) throws P6Exception
Find the privacy group using the supplied Besu instance, member keys and target group id.
Method: BesuPrivateTransactionManager buildPrivateTransactionManager(final Besu node, final Credentials credentials, final Base64String privateFrom, final Base64String privateToGroup)
Create a private transaction manager using the Besu instance, Credentials and From/To Ids.
The transaction manager created uses the ZERO_GAS_PROVIDER.
* Hyperledger Besu example requires besu-quickstart.git (run-privacy.sh)
* running locally plus a demo-app-smart-contract-x.x.jar deployed in P6_DATA/lib
* See: https://github.com/amalto/solidity-jar-builder for build instructions.
* The Besu privacy quickstart starts up three nodes with their associated Orion instances,
* which will henceforth be called Alice, Bob and Charlie for ease of use
* @import _BesuImports
def ALICE_ENCLAVE_KEY = Base64String.wrap('A1aVtMxLCUHmBVHXoZzzBgPbW/wj5axDpW9X8l91SGo=')
def BOB_ENCLAVE_KEY = Base64String.wrap('Ko2bVqD+nNlNYL5EE7y3IdOnviftjiizpjRt+HTuFBs=')
def nodeAlice = p6.web3besu.build("http://localhost:20000")
log.info 'Alice node: ' + nodeAlice.web3ClientVersion().send().getWeb3ClientVersion()
def nodeBob = p6.web3besu.build("http://localhost:20002")
log.info 'Bob node: ' + nodeBob.web3ClientVersion().send().getWeb3ClientVersion()
def credentialsAlice = Credentials.create("8f2a55949038a9610f50fb23b5883af3b4ecb3c3bb792cbcefbd1542c692be63")
// Create a new 'Demo' privacy group as Alice
def privacyGroup = nodeAlice.privCreatePrivacyGroup( Arrays.asList(ALICE_ENCLAVE_KEY, BOB_ENCLAVE_KEY), 'DemoGroup', 'Platform 6 Demonstration Group').send()
log.info 'Privacy group created by Alice: ' + privacyGroup.getPrivacyGroupId()
// Find the privacy group that was just built by Alice from Bob's node
def privacyGroupIdFromBobNode = p6.web3besu.findPrivacyGroup(nodeBob, privacyGroup.getPrivacyGroupId(), ALICE_ENCLAVE_KEY, BOB_ENCLAVE_KEY)
log.info 'Found privacy group as Bob: ' + privacyGroupIdFromBobNode
// Create two private transaction manager instances for Alice and Bob in order to interact with smart contracts
def txmAlice = p6.web3besu.buildPrivateTransactionManager(nodeAlice, credentialsAlice, ALICE_ENCLAVE_KEY, privacyGroup.getPrivacyGroupId())
def credentialsBob = Credentials.create("c87509a1c067bbde78beb793e6fa76530b6382a4c0241e5e4a9ec0a0f44dc0d3")
def txmBob = p6.web3besu.buildPrivateTransactionManager(nodeBob, credentialsBob, BOB_ENCLAVE_KEY, privacyGroupIdFromBobNode)
// Deploy the contract from Alice's node giving initial value of 42!
def ssContractAlice = SimpleStorage.deploy(nodeAlice, txmAlice, p6.web3besu.ZERO_GAS_PROVIDER, BigInteger.valueOf(42)).send()
log.info 'Contract deployed, address:' + ssContractAlice.getContractAddress()
// Get an instance of the contact from Bob's node
def ssContractBob = SimpleStorage.load(ssContractAlice.getContractAddress(), nodeBob, txmBob, p6.web3besu.ZERO_GAS_PROVIDER)
log.info 'Contract loaded by Bob, address:' + ssContractBob.getContractAddress()
log.info 'Bob called contract.get()'
Besu Imports¶
import org.web3j.tx.response.PollingPrivateTransactionReceiptProcessor
import org.web3j.tx.gas.BesuPrivacyGasProvider
import org.web3j.crypto.Wallet
import org.web3j.protocol.core.methods.response.Web3ClientVersion
import org.web3j.utils.Base64String
import org.web3j.crypto.Credentials
import io.platform6.demo.sc.SimpleStorage
log.debug '---Starting---'