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Provides log methods.


Binding name:

  • p6.log
  • log (deprecated)

Method: void trace(String message)

Generate a log message with the TRACE level.

Method: void trace(String message, Throwable exception)

Generate a log message, and an exception with the TRACE level.

Method: void debug(String message)

Generate a log message with the DEBUG level.

Method: void debug(String message, Throwable exception)

Generate a log message, and an exception with the DEBUG level.

Method: void info(String message)

Generate a log message with the INFO level.

Method: void info(String message, Throwable exception)

Generate a log message, and an exception with the INFO level.

Method: void warn(String message)

Generate a log message with the WARN level.

Method: void warn(String message, Throwable exception)

Generate a log message, and an exception with the WARN level.

Method: void error(String message)

Generate a log message with the ERROR level.

Method: void error(String message, Throwable exception)

Generate a log message, and an exception with the ERROR level.


Every log call will generate:

[5-12-2020 16:40] <LEVEL> [GROOVYSCRIPT: <Logger name>] <Message>

The Logger name is equal to:

  • for script:<App Key | core>.scripts.<Script name>.Main
  • for route:<App Key | core>.routes.<Route name>.Main

Provided exceptions will only be visible inside the application log file and not inside the script output log.


def tables = p6.script.list()"Searching for scripts")
p6.log.debug("Found " + tables.size() + " scripts")
p6.log.error("Oops", new io.platform6.common.util.P6Exception("Script list should be parsed"))

Will provide the output

[5-12-2020 16:40] INFO [GROOVYSCRIPT:] Searching for scripts
[5-12-2020 16:40] DEBUG [GROOVYSCRIPT:] Found 25 scripts
[5-12-2020 16:40] ERROR [GROOVYSCRIPT:] Oops