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Webhooks ( are a way for P6 Auth to notify registered listeners of events that occur within the Authentication and Authorization server.

Event notification is regarded as a much more efficient way to synchronize behaviour with the centralised Authentication and Authorization infrastructure; compared to polling P6 Auth for changes for example!


Verifying that a notification event delivered by a webhook Http POST is from your P6 Auth defined Webhook service is essential and is often cited as a security concern with Webhook notifications in general.

P6 Auth Webhooks provide two mechanisms to assist with this:

  • Shared Secret
  • Signatures

Shared Secret

This is the simplest form of identification and requires the use of a pre-agreed shared secret (word or phrase) that is added to each generated notification and should be validated by the receiving party.

Payload Signatures

Notification payload signatures are generated and added to each generated notification. Two signature types are supported:

  • HMAC (Requires an agreed secret to generate)
  • RS256 (RSA 256 PKI requiring key exchange)

Minimal Content in Notification Payload

Notifications do not contain verbose or rich data payloads relating to the type of event that triggered. It is a more secure policy to only provide essential key type information in payloads that require the receiving party to have permission to access additional APIs/DSL/Endpoints to further qualify the event originator.

Format of the Http POST

Name Description
X-P6auth-UUID A unique value for this notification event
X-P6auth-Hook-UUID The Id of the Webhook that generated this event
X-P6auth-Event The type of event (see available selection in UI)
X-P6auth-Event-Sequence The sequence number (1..n) of this event when queued awaiting delivery
X-P6auth-Secret The Webhook shared secret (if defined)
X-P6auth-Signature The signature of the JSON payload (if defined)
X-P6auth-Attempt-Number Ideally 1 but depends on the reliability of the receiver
Content-type Fixed value: application/json
JSON Body (Payload)

The current webhook events supported by P6 Auth relate to database entity Add/Delete/Update operations. The following payload JSON is common to all entity_ type events.


Additional payload formats may be supported in future

Attribute Name Description
id UUID for this notification event
timestamp Creation timestamp (millis since epoch)
instance The Id of the P6 instance associated with this event
context Event origination context
attributes name/value pairs representing key value to use to retrieve context detail


  "id": "161d9874-8e05-4479-9fc8-76e9d2830dd8",
  "timeStamp": 1639149449158,
  "instance": "dev",
  "type": "UPDATE",
  "context": "user",
  "attributes": {
    "realm": "b2",
    "email": ""

Event Delivery Failure

P6 Auth Webhook notification event delivery is designed to handle unreliable and offline receivers.

This may be a server that is unavailable due to networking issues or a server that is down, for scheduled maintenance for example.

All notification events are persisted by the P6 Auth infrastructure and only removed when a TTL (time to live) and/or max delivery retries are exhausted.

Delivery control is configured using:

  • TTL Minutes (Persisted event time-to-live expressed in minutes)
  • Max Delivery Attempts (Maximum attempts made to deliver notification to receiver)
  • Pacing Millis (Fixed interval expressed in milliseconds that the delivery service will wait before retrying failed delivery)


Webhooks without a defined delivery URL will only be removed after the TTL expires. This value should be configured long enough for a receiver to collect them using the ‘GET’ endpoint API


Delivery history is a feature that enables a user to record and store a trace of the last delivery attempt made by the delivery service

History is stored on a per-webhook basis and can be examined via the portal user interface.

This is a great way to diagnose Http connectivity problems


History should be disabled once a reliable Webhook event delivery configuration has been established

Event Origination Context

The P6 Auth infrastructure serves all P6 instances and associated devices/apps. The event origination context is used to ensure that only webhooks configured within a given context are triggered when events are generated by that context.

There are two types of context supported

  • Per Instance
  • Global

An example of a per instance event context would be an ENTITY_ADD_USER event that is generated as a user is added/associated with the dev instance of P6. Here the context would be dev and only Webhooks associated with the dev instance will receive this event.

Users added to the test instance would not generate events for Webhook definitions associated with the dev instance!

This is a simple per-instance isolation mechanism however not all P6 Auth entities are able to be identified as being related to an instance. For this case we use the Global context or * instance context.

Per Instance Webhook Events


Global Instance Events


Portal Configuration User Interface

A user requires the following permissions to use the Webhooks configuration:

  • webhook=read (to list and review the Webhooks)
  • webhook=edit (to add and update Webhooks)
  • webhook=delete (to remove a Webhook)

The Webhooks’ user interface is the fifth tab of User Administration and allows webhook definition with an Event Origination Context of the currently select P6 Instance

It is here a user has access to the History if enabled.

Webhook Edit


Webhooks can be enabled/disabled. A disabled webhook will not generate notification events.


Undelivered notification events that exist when a webhook becomes disabled will still be delivered (if possible)

Notification Delivery Properties

Webhook notification delivery behaviour can be customized using a number of properties:

Property Name Description
post.pacing.millis Optional. Milliseconds to wait before attempting the retry of a failed notification delivery (default: 0)
post.custom.headers Optional. A comma separated list of Http headers that will be included in the notification deliver POST
post.max.attempts Optional. The maximum number of attempts made to deliver a notification event (default: 2)
post.insecure Optional. If true the TLS certificate validation of the receiver will be skipped (default: false)
post.signature.hmac.secret Mandatory if signature type = HMAC. A shared word or passphrase
post.signature.rs256.pem Mandatory if signature type = RS256. A private key in PEM format (must be wrapped with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----, -----END PRIVATE KEY----- )
post.region Optional. The geographical region from which the webhook notification will be POSTed. Currently supported regions are NA and EU (default: EU)


It is best practice to POST notifications from the same region in which the target host/instance is located. For example, for P6 instances locating in North America set post.region = NA