P6Core 5.13.0

Release date: Tuesday, 31th October, 2017

Configuration files renaming

b2box.conf and b2auth.conf have been merged into a single file application.conf.


You must ensure the contents of the files $B2BOX_DATA/conf/b2box.conf and $B2BOX_DATA/conf/b2auth.conf are merged into a single file called application.conf and are then deleted.

Support for multiple databases has been dropped

b2box now only supports PostgreSQL 9.4. Microsoft SQLServer and IBM DB2 are not supported. This should not cause any issues as all installations now use PostgreSQL.


JDBC details have been added to $B2BOX_HOME/conf/reference.conf and can be overridden in $B2BOX_HOME/conf/application.conf.

New services

A service is specialized in a particular task. It is the new name of an adapter.

Scripts service

The Groovy adapter has been removed and has been replaced with the Scripts service. The Groovy adapter will still appear to be available as the Groovy Transition adapter which internally routes all calls to the new service.


Implementation Engineers should remove the Groovy adapter menu entry from the traditional b2box UI. Instead, they should use the new Scripts UI provided by the portal.

On startup, the new service will import all existing Groovy scripts as scripts. To avoid any data loss, we have assigned all the existing TypeScript scripts to each Groovy script.

There have been some minor changes to the Groovy DSL syntax and these changes will be made automatically as the old scripts are imported. Please read the updated Groovy DSL documentation.


Transformers and Transition adapters will be removed in the next major release.

To minimise the rework required at this time, it is recommended that all new transformers should now be written as scripts and all calls to the Groovy adapter be changed to calls to the Scripts service. For details of how to call services instead of transformers, see the service URI documentation.

Reports service

The Reports Generator adapter has been removed and has been replaced with the Reports service. The Reports Generator adapter will still appear to be available as the Reports Generator Transition adapter which internally routes all calls to the new service.


Implementation Engineers should remove the Reports Generator adapter and the Reports menu entries from the traditional b2box UI. Instead, they should use the new Reports and Home UI provided by the Portal.

On startup, the new service will import all existing reports, except the reports in the Jasper version.


The new service will not support reports in the Jasper version.

This service will allow to develop and to visualize a report on the same interface. The created reports can be displayed in the Home entry menu.


Permissions have been changed. You will find the new ones in the Reports service documentation.

The Reports service does not use anymore the transformers, it uses instead the scripts from Scripts service. So on startup, the Reports service created a new script for every transformer used by the reports. This script’s name would be $TRANSFORMER_NAME (reports_auto_upgrade). For now, this script only calls the old transformer. Implementation Engineers should rewrite the new script from the transformer’s content and with the new Groovy DSL syntax.

Stripe service

The Stripe service offers b2box’s users the possibility to pay their invoices through Workflow adapter work items. Please read the Stripe service documentation to see how it works.